Bericht aus Belo, Kamerun

Dear Rosina,

Greetings from Kerala India. I hope you are all OK. I want to give you some updates of the computer program in Belo, Cameroon. It comes a bit late because I thought you would visit the centre in Belo not knowing you had only a short trip. I want to tell you that the program in Belo has been a big blessing to the community. This is because most people in the community wants to learn computer but the fees charged in public places is not really affordable. We charge only a small amount to help run the centre. Sometimes like it is now during the holidays we find students flocking to the centre. We are so happy that you keep adding more spaces at the centre to accommodate more students.

11 students are awaiting graduation. 3 of them have already had their certificates issued because they needed them to secure jobs elsewhere. Our policy has always been to issue certificates to the students who have completed the course and need them for jobs and related benefits. The whole purpose of the training is to empower the individual with the tools needed by the job market etc.

As I told you in the past, most of the children who graduate from our computer school are so lucky to have jobs. The only other person who has not had a job is Quinta, and again this is due to poor health.

The holiday computer classes have started and it is always an interesting time at the centre because each day there are always 2 computer training sessions; the morning session for different students and the afternoon session. 5 students have added for the regular class of 9 months and several other students are adding for the holiday classes. I will send the exact number of holiday students at a separate email as soon as the number is established. We have students still arriving.

Thank you for all the computers you supplied, the projector, the 3 big counters with 24 spaces, the table chairs and even provision of rents for one year. We at Goodness and Mercy Missions receive this with all gladness. Pass on our greetings to your friends and partners. Greet the friend you usually travel with.

The training program in India for Goodness and Mercy Missions is moving on well. It will be a thing of joy joining my team again in Cameroon in December. Attached are some of the photos.

Thank you.

Teh Francis, Director, Goodness and Mercy Missions


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